Character Design Document - The Larper / The Knight

This piece functions as a first pass design document that was used to pitch a character concept for upcoming DLC to Design and Production teams. I worked together with the Lead Writer to develop a character that was integrated into Back 4 Blood’s existing lore, incorporating this character background and voice, visual design, and prospective gameplay.

Theo - The Larper / The Knight

Male | Age: Mid 20’s | Height: Average | Ethnicity: British | Accent: British
Performed by Joey Batey.

Personality Attributes

  • Brave and chivalrous. Puts himself in danger before any of his comrades, often physically interspersing himself between the threat and his teammates.

  • Detached from reality. Crafts his own elaborate, fantastical narrative to cope with the world around him.

  • Academic and well-studied. He employs an extensive vocabulary and will reference or quote great literary works at times, hinting at his academic background pre-Collapse.

  • Imaginative and boisterous. His theatrical antics and boldness in the face of adversity keep up the morale of his team.


    At the time of the Collapse, Theo was participating in a mock battle at a LARP event with a tight-knit circle of friends. Surrounded by dozens of others simulating combat, there was confusion and chaos when one of the performers turned mid-battle, the catalyst to a chain reaction of rapid Ridden infections and awakenings. Theo made it out alive thanks to his immunity, though he was by no means unscathed from the event. In the chaos, he was bitten by one of his close friends and given a lasting wound. Experiencing this trauma broke his psyche, fragmenting his mental state. From that point on his behavior shifted, remaining “in character” rather than facing the reality of his world shattering around him.

    Theo now navigates the world through this protective mental wall, acting in a chivalric, heroic persona that believes his personal quest is to defeat the Ridden abominations and free humanity from their influence. He views the Cleaners’ immunity to infection as a sign that they were chosen to fulfill this quest, treating them as the knights of his inner circle, putting himself in front of them on the lines of battle, and guiding them to victory. Theo’s unique skillset prior to the Collapse helps him thrive in this post-apocalyptic environment, as someone whose knowledge of combat maneuvers and human anatomy aids him well against the Ridden. The persona that shields him from his fears makes him an invaluable member on any scouting team, as he’ll boldly face down threats seemingly insurmountable to anyone else. Theo is an asset to Fort Hope’s Cleaner squads on the most impossible of missions, and exemplifies ideals of honor and hope despite bleak circumstances.


    Prior to the Collapse, Theo had always been a creative. While attending school for fine art, he would frequently paint outside, drawn to the simplicity and quiet of nature. After graduation, he struggled to find steady employment, looking to his family’s ancestry for guidance as he hoped to find a greater purpose. This ignited a staunch interest in history, particularly for the medieval period and tales of Arthurian legend. The idea of having a quest driving him forward was alluring to Theo, giving his life renewed meaning as he began to branch out and find others with similar interests. A local LARP group became his new creative outlet and gateway to a surprising talent for hand-to-hand combat. This martial prowess, in combination with extensive knowledge of human anatomy from his artistic studies, makes him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield - real or imaginary.

    Visual References

    Theo’s gear is a patchwork of LARP equipment reinforced with salvaged materials to make himself more formidable against Ridden attacks. The events of Back 4 Blood take place a year after the Collapse, so his gear has ostensibly taken quite a beating since then. As such, he has had to repair it over time using bits and pieces he could cobble together - spikes, metal, duct tape, and tough leather. For visual references, look to the Fallout franchise for examples of armor made from modern scrap.

    Voice Direction: Theo’s voice has two tones - the loud and boisterous “Knight” personality, and in his moments of lucidity, the quiet and reserved “Original” Theo. Original Theo sounds far more meek and withdrawn than the Knight, literally “in his shell” to reflect how the Collapse has affected him.

    Additionally: Theo could be an always-masked or helmeted character. This functions well symbolically as a nod to the barrier he puts between himself and reality. Adding a metallic-sounding reverb over his voice will reinforce this idea, as the personality he uses is a shell to protect himself.

    In-Game Functionality

    Theo’s skillset is geared towards melee combat. As a LARPer, he’s skilled in fighting that is up close and personal, and functions as a good single-target damage dealer that excels in focusing down special Ridden up close. This plays into his ideals of bravery and valor, standing at the front line to protect his comrades. Plus, you have to be a little unhinged to want to get that close to the Ridden!

  • Ability to dual-wield melee weapons (or, hold two at a time - one in the primary slot and another in the secondary).

  • Does more damage to specials while wielding a melee weapon.

  • Uses a sword as his primary weapon, and a bow as his secondary.

  • Character ability: Fearless. Deals more damage to Special Infected with melee weapons and takes 20% less trauma damage.


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